FQA Certified

IT Disaster Recovery

Foundation Course

IT is the life-blood of most organizations. It is a top concern of Boards and CEOs that the organization must be able to recover from any sort of IT Disaster, covering Cyber-attacks, Ransomware, Data Loss, Hardware outage, People issues etc. There are multiple examples of how IT disruption situations, badly managed, have simply paralysed organizations and have caused severe short term and long term damage. This is probably why the Board and CEOs of smart organizations insist on formally putting in place IT Disaster Recovery competencies and capabilities, including related Tests and Exercises.

IT DR professionals get a unique opportunity to understand the needs of the full organization and provide the needed IT resilience. This unique skill is transferable across industries and geographies. Many professionals have been able to enhance their careers and compensation by becoming IT Disaster Recovery Heads also.

Attend this course to learn how to put in place foundation IT Disaster Recovery (IT DR) skills at a Foundation level and get FQA-certified (optional).



Attend this training course provided by Continuity & Resilience (C&R).Pass the exam (optional, additional payment) - and be able demonstrate your capabilities by earning through your knowledge the IT DR FOUNDATION Certificate provided by the UK-based FQA International !

Attend this training course provided by Continuity & Resilience (C&R).

Pass the exam (optional, additional payment) - and be able demonstrate your capabilities by earning through your knowledge the IT DR FOUNDATION Certificate provided by the UK-based FQA International !

  • Learn IT Disaster Recovery - improve your career & compensation.

  • Complete the course at a relaxed pace.

  • Blended learning (self-study supplemented by Instructor-led sessions) - learn at your leisure on weekends and evenings. No need to take leave from office.

  • Hear the pre-recorded lessons, typically 30 days access.

  • Repeat the lessons as many times as you like.

  • Attend the Instructor-led refresher/ Q&A sessions (2 hours each, 2 sessions) - total 4 hours content.

  • Clear your doubts and get clarifications.

  • Take and pass the FQA exam once you are confident (optional).

  • Once you pass the exam,be the proud holder of an FQA International issued IT DR Foundation Certificate.


Our IT DR Foundation -level training course deals with the key terminologies, and explains at a high-level the implementation methodology, steps involved and the key success factors that help ensure effective implementation of IT Disaster Recovery. This course draws on principles contained in the ISO 27031.

This Training Course is offered on a blended mode, which you can attend over weekends and non-office hours, so that you can cement your knowledge at a relaxed pace, and also review any needed portions again and again, based on your own schedule. Live Instructor-led Knowledge recap and Q&A sessions are regularly conducted to enable networking, clear any doubts and to further embed the learnings in your mind. Typical course access is 30 days.

The FQA International IT DR Foundation Certificate will be issued (optional) to those who successfully pass the course-end online examination (90 questions, 1.5 hours duration, multiple choice).


C. Kajwadkar

CK Kajwadkar, known as CK, boasts over 40 years of IT industry experience and is honored with the Global Industry Personality of the Year Award by the Business Continuity Institute UK. With a comprehensive background primarily in financial institutions like Clearing Corporation of India (CCIL) and National Stock Exchange of India (NSE), CK has excelled in cyber security, specializing in prevention and response for prime cyber-attack targets. His roles include Head of IT at CCIL for the past 7 years.

CK's expertise encompasses a holistic perspective on cyber security, BCP/DR, and information security. He holds degrees in Electronics engineering, post-graduate management qualifications, and a diploma in Cyber Laws. Under his leadership, CCIL's Cyber Security program flourished, adopting an inclusive growth approach involving stakeholders from the Board to technical staff.

Practicing a mature framework for Cyber Resilience, CK focuses on the military concept of "Kill Chain" in developing cyber defense strategies. His international experience includes assignments in the UK and the USA, making him a well-rounded practitioner, trainer, and consultant. CK has delivered over 100 talks/workshops at national and international events.

Beyond his professional commitments, CK dedicates personal time to raise cyber awareness, reaching out to the student community and fostering a team to spread awareness, particularly among young school children. With a unique blend of user and vendor industry experience, CK is well-positioned to guide Company Management Teams in preparing for and mitigating cyber attacks.


Many regulators and customers insist on the presence of a ITDR Management Plan, as evidence of robust corporate governance. Any organization that is not able to support its growth with the strong stable Specialist of ITDR Management stands a huge risk of losing its credibility and revenues, and may eventually be forced to shut down forever.

Embrace a unique opportunity to enhance your ITDR skills and acquire essential tools for effective

ITDR Management planning

  • Advanced Knowledge and Skills: Delve deeper into IT Disaster Recovery, building upon foundational knowledge to gain specialist skills.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Covers all stages of the IT DR lifecycle, ensuring a thorough understanding of each aspect.

  • Practical and Theoretical Balance: Mixes classroom training with practical exercises, case studies, and role-plays for a well-rounded learning experience.

  • Preparation for Real-World Challenges: Equips participants to handle actual IT DR scenarios effectively.

  • Professional Certification: Successful completion of the examination leads to IT DR Specialist Certification, enhancing your credibility and professional standing.

  • Continued Education Credits: Gain 24 CPE credits, supporting your ongoing professional development in the IT field.


  • All interested professionals who want to enhance their career by building competencies in the extremely important field of IT DR, given that almost each and every organization in the world has a need for IT Disaster Recovery and Resilience. This course will provide excellent value-for-time knowledge-building for existing/new members of the IT DR team, and also potential entrants to IT DR.

  • Those with IT DR responsibilities, who would like to demonstrate good knowledge of IT Disaster Recovery, through their FQA IT DR Foundation certificate.

  • Senior Management, who have limited time and so need a training course that provides them in a short period of time with exactly the knowledge they need to understand and manage a the organization's IT DR program. For example, CIOs and CXOs, Data Center Managers with DR responsibilities, and those from IT/IT DR, IT Service Management, Information Security, Cyber Security, Operations, Quality, Business Continuity, Risk and Crisis Management.

  • Business Owners and Business Managers who want to attain a good understanding of IT Disaster Recovery implementation principles, to be able to get the best out of their IT DR teams, ask the right questions and ensure a high level of Governance.

  • Those from GRC, who have Governance, Risk and Compliance responsibilities, and so need to understand the IT DR methodology and key points.

  • Practicing professionals who want a quick refresher about IT DR theory and new practices (such as Cloud-based IT DR technologies), given the frequent improvements and learnings in this domain.

  • Individuals interested in understanding the Foundations of IT Disaster Recovery, and use that information to decide whether or not they would like to take up IT DR as a career.

  • Professionals from other domains, who want just to acquire theoretical knowledge about IT DR, but do not see a need to actively practice those skills in the near future. So at this stage they are just seeking the minimum required understanding, which is adequate for them for now.


  • Gain an appreciation of the criticality of IT DR, the business imperatives and key drivers. Be able to protect your organization, when disaster strikes.

  • Understand how the principles contained in the ISO/IEC 27031:2011 IT Security Techniques (ICT Readiness) provides a basis for understanding, developing and implementing IT Disaster Recovery within an organization.

  • Gain an overview of the fundamental terminologies, concepts and principal constituents of IT Disaster Recovery Management.

  • Understand the steps required to develop a comprehensive IT Disaster Recovery System, covering IT DR planning, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement, in line with the PDCA - Plan, Do, Check, Act.

  • Develop a theoretical understanding of how to perform the critical steps involved in IT DR Planning, such as Business Impact Analysis, Risk Assessment, Recovery Strategies and Plan Development, Exercise and Testing.

  • Acquire the understanding required to be able to oversee and support the IT DR function at a high level.


  • Elements of the IT DR Policy and Program Management

  • Understand the BIA and RA needs, to determine the organization’s IT DR requirements.

  • Appreciate various IT HA/DR Strategies to support critical business functions, IT components and related infrastructure with the agreed RPO/MTDL

  • Assimilate various IT DR options and multi-tiered DR concepts

  • Theoretic knowledge of how to create the needed IT DR analysis and evaluations.

  • Approach to conduct IT DR Tests and Exercises, IT DR Maintenance, Review and Audit


8 hours content.

Blended Mode (self-study video-based, with live Instructor-led Q&A/refresher sessions).


  • No minimum experience required.

Stage 1

  • Go though the Foundation course videos (4 hours content)

  • Ask your questions via email/WhatsApp.

Stage 2

  • Attend the live Instructor-led IT DR refresher session (2 hours duration).

  • Ask any further questions.

Stage 3

  • Attend the live Instructor-led IT DR Q&A session (2 hours duration).

  • Ask any further questions

Stage 4

  • Optional - Register for and pass the FQA IT DR Foundation Certification online Exam - 60 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), 60 minutes


I waited 7 years for an good IT DR course -
thank you CORE!


Very Informative and detailed teaching by Trainer with example

The best course I have attended in my life....
Extremely comprehensive!


A must-do course....The Instructor is simply amazing!

Mr. CK explains the technical terms in a simple & understandable language. And examples shared by him helped to understand the technical terms easily


Great briefing of every topic.

Excellent knowledge and understanding on the subject. Gave multiple Real time experience scenarios


It is a detailed course with great examples..



Continuity & Resilience (C&R) is a ISO 22301 & ISO 27001 Certified Management Consulting Firm providing quality services in the niche area of Business Continuity Management (BCM) and Resilience. C&R help organizations to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptions and disasters. C&R has been in the business for over 18 years, and have served more than 590 companies in over 20 countries across industries, delivering excellence and value to their clients.

C&R Consult / Train / Assess and Certify in the of domains Business Continuity Management, Crisis Management, IT Disaster Recovery, Risk Management, Information Security and Cyber Security • C&R also provide advisory services in Automation tools – BCM/ ITDR/ Mass Communication, Workplace recovery and E-Learning.

18+ Year Track Record Trust our extensive experience in the field.

7000+ Professionals Trained: Join a network of skilled individuals.

100+ Successful Implementations/Assessments/Audits:

Benefit from our proven track record.

ISO 22301 Certified: Assuring the highest standards in BCM.

ISO 27001 Certified: Ensuring information security excellence.

Multiple Accolades: We have won multiple awards for our services, including the BCI Hall of Fame Award, the BCI Service Provider of the Year Award for the Middle East and India (multiple times).

4 times


India & South Asia)








Certification is evidence of competence. FQA is a global leader in competency building and professional certification. We help businesses and institutions around the world to improve their performance, credibility and reputation.

FQA is committed to helping people reach their full potential. We offer workshops and programs that teach people the skills and tools that they need to do their jobs better. And our professional certifications provide authentic evidence of those competencies. We are recognized as a leading knowledge organization, serves as a unifying platform for experts in Quality, IT, and Human Capital, dedicated to elevating the performance and market credibility of businesses and institutions worldwide.

Through meticulously curated workshops and programs, FQA strives to nurture a culture of strategic thinking and effective execution, empowering participants to internalize and apply the acquired skills to effectively drive their respective organizations towards the realization of their overarching vision, mission, and goals. Firm in its conviction that human potential, regardless of geographical location, can reach unprecedented pinnacles of excellence, FQA remains committed to equipping individuals with the necessary tools and motivation to create a more promising and impactful tomorrow.







Up-to-date & comprehensive



Reach out to us today to explore how our tailored workshops can propel your organization forward.

Our workshops are meticulously crafted to align with your organization's unique needs and maturity levels.

Whether your preference is virtual engagement or an immersive face-to-face session on your premises, we've got you covered (minimum batch size 8).

Our workshops can be seamlessly integrated into your operations, whether following a standardized format or custom-tailored to incorporate your team's specific suggestions and requirements.

“ Getting Strategic About Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Can Mean the Survival of Your Company in the Event of a Disaster.”


For Others: +971 2 6594006

For India : +91 80100 63950


For Others: +971 50 576 7804

For India: +91 80100 63950


For Others: info@continuityandresilience.com

For India: akhil.m@continuityandresilience.com

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