Crisis Management Certification
Professional Course

Crisis situations need a quick response, and can strike at any time. There are multiple examples of how Crisis situations, badly managed, can cause severe short term and long term damage to organizations. This is probably why the Board and CEOs of smart organizations insist on formally putting in place Crisis Management competencies and capabilities, including related Tests and Exercises, typically via simulation or gamification.

Crisis Management Professionals get a unique opportunity to help their organization to stabilize their activities and then get back to normalcy at the earliest. This unique skill is transferable across industries and geographies. Many professionals have been able to enhance their careers and compensation by becoming Crisis Management Heads also.

Attend this course to learn how to develop and practice specialist Crisis Management skills, and get FQA-certified (optional).


Attend this training course provided by Continuity & Resilience (C&R).

Pass the exam (optional, additional payment) - and be able to demonstrate your capabilities by earning the Crisis Management PROFESSIONAL Certificate provided by the UK-based FQA International !

  • Learn Crisis Management - improve your career & compensation.

  • Complete the course at a relaxed pace.

  • Blended learning (self-study - learn at your leisure on weekends and evenings. No need to take leave from office.

  • Hear the pre-recorded lessons, typically 30 days access.

  • Repeat the lessons as many times as you like.

  • Embed your learnings by practicing hands-on the real-life exercises (approx. 3 hours). Benchmark your solutions with those of others, and expand your thinking.

  • Attend the Instructor-led refresher/ Q&A sessions (2 hours each, 3 sessions) - total 6 hours content.

  • Clear your doubts and get clarifications.

  • Attend the Crisis Management real-life documentation review and discussion walkthrough session - 6 hours content.

  • Attend the live Instructor-led Crisis Management theory recap/Practice Exam (via 120 the revision questions - 6 hours content.

  • Take and pass the FQA Crisis Management Professional-level Exam when exam when you are confident (optional).

  • Once you pass the exam, be the proud holder of an FQA International issued Crisis Management Professional Certificate.


Based on latest Crisis Management standard ISO 22361:2022, the objective of the Crisis Management Professional course is to enable participants to get an advanced and comprehensive understanding of all aspects of Crisis Management such as decision-making in crisis situations, crisis communications, crisis planning and response etc. The multiple exercises, role-plays, case studies and discussions of real-life crisis situations at Nokia, Fedex, Dominos, DHL, KFC, Gillette, BP, United Airways and others, and the related learnings help the participants to gain the hands-on skills be ready to handle real-life crisis situations.

This Training Course is offered on a blended mode, which you can attend over weekends and non-office hours, so that you can cement your knowledge at a relaxed pace, and also review any needed portions again and again, based on your own schedule. Live Instructor-led Knowledge recap and Q&A sessions are regularly conducted to enable networking, clear any doubts and to further embed the learnings in your mind. Typical course access is 30 days.

The FQA International Crisis Management Professional Certificate will be issued (optional) to those who successfully pass the course-end online examination (90 questions, 90 minutes duration, multiple choice).


Ramanarayanan S.

Ram is an accomplished professional with an extensive 20-year background in Crisis Management, Business Continuity Management and Risk Management. His corporate experience covers mostly telecom, IT and banking, while his consulting and training assignments have given him huge exposure to Water & Power, Oil and Petrochemicals, Infrastructure and Financial Services. His tenure as the Senior Manager (2011 to 2020) at the Etisalat UAE Crisis Management and Business Continuity team marked a pivotal period where he spearheaded the transition to a more comprehensive Organizational Resilience approach. His initiatives led to the successful automation of critical processes and the attainment of multiple ISO certifications across diverse operational scopes, showcasing his commitment to industry best practices and standards.

Ram's expertise has also been instrumental in enhancing the security infrastructure of various banks, effectively fortifying their network and information security programs. His strategic guidance and implementation prowess have left a lasting impact, setting new benchmarks for the industry and ensuring robust crisis management strategies.

Ram's wealth of experience is underlined by an array of certifications not just in Crisis Management but also such as the CBCI, AMBCI, Certified Business Continuity Expert, ISO 22301 Lead Auditor, ISO 22301 Lead Implementer, ISO 31000, and Internal Auditor, testifying to his comprehensive understanding and proficiency in the field.


Many regulators and customers insist on the presence of a Crisis Management Plan, as evidence of robust corporate governance. Any organization that is not able to support its growth with the strong stable Specialist of Crisis Management stands a huge risk of losing its credibility and revenues, and may eventually be forced to shut down forever.

Embrace a unique opportunity to enhance your Crisis skills and acquire essential tools for effective Crisis Management planning

  • Comprehensive Learning: Covers various aspects of crisis management, including identification, response, and team assembly.

  • Interactive and Engaging: Utilizes case studies and real-life simulations for an immersive learning experience.

  • Advanced Skills: Learn to detect early signs of a crisis and develop effective response strategies.

  • Cross-Functional Relevance: Ideal for employees in Crisis and Risk Management, Corporate Communications, and other related domains.

  • Certification Advantage: Enhances your professional profile with a specialist certification.

  • CPE Credits: Earn 24 credits towards your professional development.


  • Those seeking to demonstrate deep & comprehensive competence in Crisis Management, through their advanced FQA Crisis Management Professional level certificate.

  • All serious professionals from Crisis or other domains,who want to build a career in Crisis Management, who are looking to enhance their competence and expertise and acquire the knowledge to take ownership of the Crisis Management activities within the organization. These individuals can look forward to be an invaluable Subject Matter Expert or Crisis Management Head who others would consult as the Crisis Management “Guru” in the organization.

  • Operational Managers with Crisis Management responsibilities, such as Crisis Management Heads and Team Members and other professionals who want to attain comprehensive understanding and in-depth competencies needed to implement, maintain and improve effective Crisis Management.

  • Senior Management and others, who want an advanced understanding of what they need to do to successfully navigate crisis situations. For example, the entire Strategic Leadership Team or CMT (Crisis Management Team), including Senior Management and Tactical Management/all Department Heads. Also those from Risk/Governance, who have GRC responsibilities, who may want an advanced understanding of the Crisis Management methodology and key factors for success.

  • Business Owners and Business Managers who want to attain an advanced understanding of Crisis Management , to be able to safeguard their reputation and future, ensure stakeholder confidence and be able to quickly manage crisis situations and get back to normalcy at the earliest.

  • Lead Auditors and others who need to gain an advanced understanding of Crisis Management, in order to audit it.

  • Practicing professionals who want refresh their hands-on skills in Crisis Management theory and proven methodologies, and get updates on the evolving thinking and latest best practices - keeping in mind the frequent improvements and learnings, particularly post the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Understand in detail how Crisis Management can be used not just to protect the organization, but to increase long-term revenues, profits and market share. Minimize risk to your company and resources when a crisis strikes.

  • Get an advanced and comprehensive understanding of how the internationally acclaimed ISO 22361:2022 provides a basis for designing, developing, implementing and continually improving an effective Crisis Management Program within an organization, including maintenance, review and audit.

  • Get a detailed and advanced understanding of the terminologies, concepts, approaches, standards, methods and techniques as suggested by the ISO 22361. Put together and manage the Crisis Management Program in your organization and be its custodian.

  • As a Crisis Management Subject-Matter Expert after attending this course, develop the knowledge and hands-on skills and competencies required to be the Crisis Guru who advises your organization on global best practices in Crisis Management. Be the person who others would consult and the one who would probably be able to advise and recommend to Senior Management what they should do to lead the organization back to stability, in a crisis situation.

  • Acquire the understanding required to be able to build an exciting career as and highly competent Crisis Management Head or Crisis Professional/Consultant who would have multiple career opportunities to grow, and further build upon this wonderful skill that would benefit you also in your personal life.

  • Develop the hands-on skills to design and develop a Crisis Management Plan (CMP), including ensuring the needed testing and exercising, audits and Continual Improvement.

  • Consolidate your above learnings of Crisis Management theory by creating your own responses to 10+ real-life crisis situations that have been faced by reputed global organizations. See how those companies responded and benchmark your own response to theirs!

  • Via a tabletop simulation exercise, learn how to effectively exercise and test your plans, test and enhance your team competencies, identify gaps and improvement opportunities, and drive Continual Improvement of your Crisis Management program.


  • Gain a very detailed understanding of the terminologies, concepts, approaches, standards, methods and techniques required for the effective management of a Crisis Program, including the 7 principles of Crisis Management - as suggested by the ISO 22361:2022.

  • Identify the key elements of a Crisis Management Policy and create one for your own organization.

  • Create your Crisis Management Plan and ensure the needed Testing & Exercising, Maintenance and Improvement steps, including Performance Evaluation, Audits and Assessments, Management Review and Continual Improvement. Improve it via review, feedback and related discussions.

  • Build a Crisis Management Training and Awareness Program to improve the Crisis Management capabilities of the organization.

  • Learn how to make recommendations to the Crisis Leadership team and assist them to improve their capabilities and responsiveness for strategic decision-making in crisis situations.

  • Understand and practice key the key components of Crisis Communications.

  • Be able to come up with at least 40 categories of Interested Parties, and have an idea of their expectations - all of which must be kept in mind in a Crisis situation.

  • See how Nokia, Fedex, Dominos, DHL, KFC, Gillette, BP, United Airways and others responded to
    real-life crisis situations. Benchmark your own response to theirs, and get a good appreciation of Crisis Management in real-life.

  • Learn how to design and conduct a tabletop simulation exercise to exercise and test your Crisis Management Plan, enhance your team competencies, identify gaps and drive Continual Improvement of your Crisis Management program.

  • Attend the real-life Crisis Management documentation creation/walkthrough session - review and analyse real-life Crisis documents and scenarios created by other organizations. Create your own documents, and learn from those created by others!

  • Practice session via 120 revision questions to successfully pass the FQA Crisis Management Professional-level Certification Exam.


32 hours content.

Blended Mode (self-study video-based, with live Instructor-led Q&A, Hands-on practice reviews and refresher sessions).


  • 3 years Crisis or related experience (suggested).

Stage 1

  • Go though the Crisis Awareness course videos (1 hour content).

Stage 2

  • Go through the course videos (8 hours content)

  • Ask your questions via email/WhatsApp.

Stage 3

  • Attend the live Instructor-led Crisis refresher session (2 hours duration).

  • Ask any further questions.

Stage 4

  • Attend the live Instructor-led Crisis Q&A session

    (2 hours duration).

  • Ask any further questions.

Stage 5

  • Hands-on Practice via Exercises/Review and Discussion (3 hours).

  • Ask any further questions.

Stage 6

  • Attend the real-life Crisis Management Plan and

    documentation creation/review session - 6 hours content.

Stage 7

  • Attend the Instructor-Led FQA Crisis Professional Certification Practice Exam (via 120 revision questions) - 6 hours content.

Stage 8

  • Attend the live Instructor-led Crisis refresher/Q&A session

    (2 hours duration).

Stage 9

  • Optional - Register for and pass the FQA Crisis Professional Certification Exam
    - 120 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), 120 minutes.


I thoroughly enjoyed the course. Great insights into Crisis Management............ Thank you, CORE!

Highly experienced instructors who presented real-life case studies in Crisis Management

A wonderful training covering all aspects of Crisis Management,.........with good practical examples!

Excellent knowledge and understanding on the subject. Gave multiple real-time experience scenarios



Continuity & Resilience (C&R) is a ISO 22301 & ISO 27001 Certified Management Consulting Firm providing quality services in the niche area of Business Continuity Management (BCM) and Resilience. C&R help organizations to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptions and disasters. C&R has been in the business for over 18 years, and have served more than 590 companies in over 20 countries across industries, delivering excellence and value to their clients.

C&R Consult / Train / Assess and Certify in the of domains Business Continuity Management, Crisis Management, IT Disaster Recovery, Risk Management, Information Security and Cyber Security • C&R also provide advisory services in Automation tools – BCM/ ITDR/ Mass Communication, Workplace recovery and E-Learning.

18+ Year Track Record Trust our extensive experience in the field.

7000+ Professionals Trained: Join a network of skilled individuals.

100+ Successful Implementations/Assessments/Audits:

Benefit from our proven track record.

ISO 22301 Certified: Assuring the highest standards in BCM.

ISO 27001 Certified: Ensuring information security excellence.

Multiple Accolades: We have won multiple awards for our services, including the BCI Hall of Fame Award, the BCI Service Provider of the Year Award for the Middle East and India (multiple times).

4 times


India & South Asia)








Certification is evidence of competence. FQA is a global leader in competency building and professional certification. We help businesses and institutions around the world to improve their performance, credibility and reputation.

FQA is committed to helping people reach their full potential. We offer workshops and programs that teach people the skills and tools that they need to do their jobs better. And our professional certifications provide authentic evidence of those competencies. We are recognized as a leading knowledge organization, serves as a unifying platform for experts in Quality, IT, and Human Capital, dedicated to elevating the performance and market credibility of businesses and institutions worldwide.

Through meticulously curated workshops and programs, FQA strives to nurture a culture of strategic thinking and effective execution, empowering participants to internalize and apply the acquired skills to effectively drive their respective organizations towards the realization of their overarching vision, mission, and goals. Firm in its conviction that human potential, regardless of geographical location, can reach unprecedented pinnacles of excellence, FQA remains committed to equipping individuals with the necessary tools and motivation to create a more promising and impactful tomorrow.







Up-to-date & comprehensive



Reach out to us today to explore how our tailored workshops can propel your organization forward.

Our workshops are meticulously crafted to align with your organization's unique needs and maturity levels.

Whether your preference is virtual engagement or an immersive face-to-face session on your premises, we've got you covered (minimum batch size 8).

Our workshops can be seamlessly integrated into your operations, whether following a standardized format or custom-tailored to incorporate your team's specific suggestions and requirements.

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing......The crisis you have to worry about most is the one you don’t see coming.....


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